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LLMOS Configurations

LLMOS provides a set of configuration options that can be set in the /etc/llmos/config.yaml file. If the file doesn't exist, you can create it manually.

Minimum Configuration

mkdir -p /etc/llmos
cat > /etc/llmos/config.yaml << EOF
role: cluster-init
token: mytoken
#mirror: cn # enable mirror to accelerate download speed for CN users

Configuration Parameters

Cluster-init Role Parameters

ParameterDescriptionDefault Value
llmosOperatorVersionLLMOS Operator version to be installed. Fetched from the latest repo if not specified.
chartRepoLLMOS chart repository, set to latest, rc, or dev. Defaults to latest. Do not use rc or dev in production.latest
kubernetesVersionKubernetes version to be installed. Defaults to a stable k3s version if not specified.v1.31.3+k3s1
operatorValuesOverwrite default values of the LLMOS Operator Helm chart. Refer to values.yaml
globalSystemImageRegistryDefault registry for LLMOS operator & system addon container images.
mirrorSpecify the mirror registry for LLMOS bootstrap. Currently only cn option is supported.
registriesContent for the registries.yaml file used by the k8s cluster.
systemDefaultImageDefault registry for k8s runtime container images.
tlsSansAdditional SANs (hostnames) for the TLS certificate generated for port 6443. e.g.,
preInstructionsCommands to run before bootstrapping the node. Refer to Instructions
postInstructionsCommands to run after bootstrapping the node. Refer to Instructions
resourcesCustom Kubernetes resources to create after the LLMOS operator is bootstrapped.
runtimeInstallerImageAdvanced: Override the Kubernetes system agent installer image.
llmosInstallerImageAdvanced: Override the LLMOS operator installer image.

All Roles Parameters

ParameterDescriptionDefault Value
roleRole of this node. The cluster must start with one node as role=cluster-init.
serverURL for joining a node to the LLMOS cluster. e.g., https://server-url:6443
tokenShared secret for joining nodes to the cluster.
nodeNameSet the node name.
addressExternal IP address for the node in Cluster.
internalAddressInternal IP address for the node.
taintsTaints to apply to the node upon creation.
labelsLabels to apply to the node upon creation.
extraConfigAdvanced: Additional k3s configuration to be applied in bootstrap.


FieldDescriptionData Type
nameTask name (e.g., custom-pre-task)string
imageOptional image to extract and usestring
envEnvironment variables (e.g., FOO=BAR)[]
argsProgram arguments (e.g., arg1, arg2)[]
commandCommand to execute (e.g., /bin/dosomething)string
saveOutputSave output to /var/lib/llmos/plan/plan-output.json (optional)bool

Full Configuration Example

# The following parameters apply to the cluster-init role only #

# LLMOS Operator version to be installed
llmosOperatorVersion: v0.2.0

# LLMOS chart repository, set to "latest", "rc" or "dev". Defaults to latest.
chartRepo: latest

# Kubernetes version to be installed. Defaults to a stable k3s version if not specified.
kubernetesVersion: v1.31.3+k3s1

# Default registry for LLMOS system component images.
# More details:

# Content for the `registries.yaml` file used by k8s runtime.
# Refer to for details.
registries: {}

# Mirror registry option to bootstrap the LLMOS installer & k8s runtime.
mirror: cn

# Custom values for the LLMOS Operator Helm chart.
# See
# Default values
replicaCount: 1

# Additional SANs (hostnames) for the TLS certificate generated for port 6443.

# Commands to run before bootstrapping the node.
- name: custom-pre-task
# Image to extract and set as the current working directory (optional)
image: custom/image:1.1.1
# Environment variables to set
# Program arguments
- arg1
- arg2
# Command to execute
command: /bin/dosomething
# Save output to /var/lib/llmos/plan/plan-output.json (optional)
saveOutput: false

# Commands to run after bootstrapping the node.
- name: custom-post-task
- arg1
- arg2
command: /bin/dosomething
saveOutput: false

# Custom Kubernetes resources to create after the LLMOS operator is bootstrapped.
- kind: ConfigMap
apiVersion: v1
name: random
key: value

# Advanced: Override the Kubernetes system agent installer image.
runtimeInstallerImage: ...

# Advanced: Override the LLMOS operator installer image.
llmosInstallerImage: ...

# The following parameters apply to all roles #

# URL for joining a node to the LLMOS cluster.
server: https://server-url:6443

# Shared secret for joining nodes to the cluster.
token: mytoken

# Role of this node. The cluster must start with one node as `role=cluster-init`.
# Additional nodes can join using `server` for control-plane nodes, or `agent` for worker nodes.
# These roles align with the server/agent terms used by k3s.
role: cluster-init,server,agent

# Set the Kubernetes node name.
nodeName: custom-hostname

# External IP address for the node in Kubernetes.

# Internal IP address for the node.

# Taints to apply to the node upon creation.
- dedicated=special-user:NoSchedule

# Labels to apply to the node upon creation.
- key=value

# Advanced: Additional k3s configuration to be placed in `/etc/rancher/k3s/config.yaml.d/40-llmos.yaml`.
extraConfig: {}