LLMOS Configurations
LLMOS provides a set of configuration options that can be set in the /etc/llmos/config.yaml
file. If the file doesn't exist, you can create it manually.
Minimum Configuration
mkdir -p /etc/llmos
cat > /etc/llmos/config.yaml << EOF
role: cluster-init
token: mytoken
#mirror: cn # enable mirror to accelerate download speed for CN users
Configuration Parameters
Cluster-init Role Parameters
Parameter | Description | Default Value |
llmosOperatorVersion | LLMOS Operator version to be installed. Fetched from the latest repo if not specified. | |
chartRepo | LLMOS chart repository, set to latest , rc , or dev . Defaults to latest. Do not use rc or dev in production. | latest |
kubernetesVersion | Kubernetes version to be installed. Defaults to a stable k3s version if not specified. | v1.31.3+k3s1 |
operatorValues | Overwrite default values of the LLMOS Operator Helm chart. Refer to values.yaml | |
globalSystemImageRegistry | Default registry for LLMOS operator & system addon container images. | |
mirror | Specify the mirror registry for LLMOS bootstrap. Currently only cn option is supported. | |
registries | Content for the registries.yaml file used by the k8s cluster. | |
systemDefaultImage | Default registry for k8s runtime container images. | |
tlsSans | Additional SANs (hostnames) for the TLS certificate generated for port 6443. e.g., llmos.example.com | |
preInstructions | Commands to run before bootstrapping the node. Refer to Instructions | |
postInstructions | Commands to run after bootstrapping the node. Refer to Instructions | |
resources | Custom Kubernetes resources to create after the LLMOS operator is bootstrapped. | |
runtimeInstallerImage | Advanced: Override the Kubernetes system agent installer image. | |
llmosInstallerImage | Advanced: Override the LLMOS operator installer image. |
All Roles Parameters
Parameter | Description | Default Value |
role | Role of this node. The cluster must start with one node as role=cluster-init . | |
server | URL for joining a node to the LLMOS cluster. e.g., https://server-url:6443 | |
token | Shared secret for joining nodes to the cluster. | |
nodeName | Set the node name. | |
address | External IP address for the node in Cluster. | |
internalAddress | Internal IP address for the node. | |
taints | Taints to apply to the node upon creation. | |
labels | Labels to apply to the node upon creation. | |
extraConfig | Advanced: Additional k3s configuration to be applied in bootstrap. |
Field | Description | Data Type |
name | Task name (e.g., custom-pre-task ) | string |
image | Optional image to extract and use | string |
env | Environment variables (e.g., FOO=BAR ) | [] |
args | Program arguments (e.g., arg1 , arg2 ) | [] |
command | Command to execute (e.g., /bin/dosomething ) | string |
saveOutput | Save output to /var/lib/llmos/plan/plan-output.json (optional) | bool |
Full Configuration Example
# The following parameters apply to the cluster-init role only #
# LLMOS Operator version to be installed
llmosOperatorVersion: v0.2.0
# LLMOS chart repository, set to "latest", "rc" or "dev". Defaults to latest.
chartRepo: latest
# Kubernetes version to be installed. Defaults to a stable k3s version if not specified.
kubernetesVersion: v1.31.3+k3s1
# Default registry for LLMOS system component images.
# More details: https://github.com/llmos-ai/llmos-operator/blob/main/deploy/charts/llmos-operator/values.yaml
globalSystemImageRegistry: registry.example.com:5000
# Content for the `registries.yaml` file used by k8s runtime.
# Refer to https://rancher.com/docs/k3s/latest/en/installation/private-registry/ for details.
registries: {}
# Mirror registry option to bootstrap the LLMOS installer & k8s runtime.
mirror: cn
# Custom values for the LLMOS Operator Helm chart.
# See https://github.com/llmos-ai/llmos-operator/blob/main/deploy/charts/llmos-operator/values.yaml
# Default values
replicaCount: 1
# Additional SANs (hostnames) for the TLS certificate generated for port 6443.
- additionalhostname.example.com
# Commands to run before bootstrapping the node.
- name: custom-pre-task
# Image to extract and set as the current working directory (optional)
image: custom/image:1.1.1
# Environment variables to set
# Program arguments
- arg1
- arg2
# Command to execute
command: /bin/dosomething
# Save output to /var/lib/llmos/plan/plan-output.json (optional)
saveOutput: false
# Commands to run after bootstrapping the node.
- name: custom-post-task
- arg1
- arg2
command: /bin/dosomething
saveOutput: false
# Custom Kubernetes resources to create after the LLMOS operator is bootstrapped.
- kind: ConfigMap
apiVersion: v1
name: random
key: value
# Advanced: Override the Kubernetes system agent installer image.
runtimeInstallerImage: ...
# Advanced: Override the LLMOS operator installer image.
llmosInstallerImage: ...
# The following parameters apply to all roles #
# URL for joining a node to the LLMOS cluster.
server: https://server-url:6443
# Shared secret for joining nodes to the cluster.
token: mytoken
# Role of this node. The cluster must start with one node as `role=cluster-init`.
# Additional nodes can join using `server` for control-plane nodes, or `agent` for worker nodes.
# These roles align with the server/agent terms used by k3s.
role: cluster-init,server,agent
# Set the Kubernetes node name.
nodeName: custom-hostname
# External IP address for the node in Kubernetes.
# Internal IP address for the node.
# Taints to apply to the node upon creation.
- dedicated=special-user:NoSchedule
# Labels to apply to the node upon creation.
- key=value
# Advanced: Additional k3s configuration to be placed in `/etc/rancher/k3s/config.yaml.d/40-llmos.yaml`.
extraConfig: {}