This FAQ is regularly updated to help answer common questions about using LLMOS.
What's the default path for LLMOS data?
The default path for LLMOS data is /var/lib/llmos
Where can I find the LLMOS configuration file?
You can find the configuration file at /etc/llmos/config.yaml
Where can I find the cluster token?
The cluster token is located at /var/lib/llmos/token
, or you can run the command llmos get-token
My cluster can't find the GPU driver
LLMOS automatically detects and sets up the NVIDIA container runtime if the NVIDIA driver is present when LLMOS starts.
If you installed the NVIDIA driver after starting LLMOS, restart your machine for it to be detected.
# Reboot the machine
sudo reboot now
# Check if the NVIDIA driver and GPUs are working after reboot
Where can I find the Kubeconfig file?
The Kubeconfig file is at /etc/llmos/kubeconfig.yaml
How do I reset the admin password?
If you forgot the admin password, here’s how to reset it:
Option 1: Ask another admin to set a new password for you in the LLMOS Dashboard under Users & Authentication > Users.
Option 2: If you're the only admin, follow these steps:
# Delete the default admin user
kubectl get users.management.llmos.ai -ojson | jq -r '.items[] | select(.spec.username == "admin") | .metadata.name' | xargs -I {} kubectl delete users {}
# Restart the LLMOS API Server to create a new default admin
kubectl rollout restart deployment llmos-operator -n llmos-system
# Get the new password:
kubectl get secret --namespace llmos-system llmos-bootstrap-passwd -o go-template='{{.data.password|base64decode}}{{"\n"}}'